Getting started quick guide


Use easy_install:

$ easy_install django-moderation

Or download source code from and run installation script:

$ python install

Updating existing projects to Django 1.7

If you are updating an existing project which uses django-moderation to Django 1.7 you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove 'south' from your INSTALLED_APPS if present.
  2. Run python migrate.

That’s it!


django-moderation will autodiscover moderation classes in <app>/ files by default. So the simplest moderation configuration is to simply add moderation (or moderation.apps.ModerationConfig) to INSTALLED_APPS in your

    # ...
    'moderation',  # or 'moderation.apps.ModerationConfig',
    # ...

Then add all of your moderation classes to a file in an app and register them with moderation:

from moderation import moderation
from moderation.moderator import GenericModerator

from yourapp.models import YourModel, AnotherModel

class AnotherModelModerator(GenericModerator):
    # Add your moderator settings for AnotherModel here

moderation.register(YourModel)  # Uses default moderation settings
moderation.register(AnotherModel, AnotherModelModerator)  # Uses custom moderation settings

This is exactly how Django’s contributed admin app registers models.

Alternative Configuration

If you don’t want django-moderation to autodiscover your moderation classes, you will add moderation.apps.SimpleModerationConfig to INSTALLED_APPS in your

    # ...
    # ...

Then you will need to subclass your models from moderation.db.ModeratedModel and add moderation classes to each moderated model in

from django.db import models
from moderation.db import ModeratedModel

class MyModel(ModeratedModel):
    my_field = models.TextField()

    class Moderator:
        notify_user = False

Admin integration

  1. If you want to enable integration with Django Admin, then register admin class with your model:
from django.contrib import admin
from moderation.admin import ModerationAdmin

class YourModelAdmin(ModerationAdmin):
    """Admin settings go here.""", YourModelAdmin)

If admin_integration_enabled is enabled then when saving object in admin, data will not be saved in model instance but it will be stored in moderation queue. Also data in the change form will not display data from the original model instance but data from the ModeratedObject instance instead.

How django-moderation works

When you change existing object or create new one, it will not be publicly available until moderator approves it. It will be stored in ModeratedObject model.:

your_model = YourModel(description='test')

Traceback (most recent call last):
DoesNotExist: YourModel matching query does not exist.

When you will approve object, then it will be publicly available.:

your_model.moderated_object.approve(by=user, reason='Reason for approve')

<YourModel: YourModel object>

Please note that you can also access objects that are not approved by using unmoderated_objects manager, this manager will bypass the moderation system


You can access changed object by calling changed_object on moderated_object:

<YourModel: YourModel object>

This is deserialized version of object that was changed.

Now when you will change an object, old version of it will be available publicly, new version will be saved in moderated_object:

your_model.description = 'New description'

your_model = YourModel.objects.get(pk=1)
{'id': 1, 'description': 'test'}

{'id': 1, 'description': 'New description'}

your_model.moderated_object.approve(by=user, reason='Reason for approve')

your_model = YourModel.objects.get(pk=1)
{'id': 1, 'description': 'New description'}

Upgrading From Previous Versions of Django ModerationAdmin

Upgrading from previous versions of django-moderation will require converting from South migrations to Django 1.7+ migrations.

To do so, you will need to perform the following steps (skip any you have already done):

  1. Configure South to use the migrations-pre17 directory for django-moderation migrations:

        'moderation': 'moderation.migrations-pre17',
  2. Use South to migrate up to 0002 in the migrations-pre17 directory:

    python syncdb moderation 0001  # Skip this if already applied
    python syncdb moderation 0002  # Skip this if already applied
  3. Fake the first two Django migrations:

    python migrate moderation 0001 --fake
    python migrate moderation 0002 --fake
  4. Use Django to migrate 0003:

    python migrate moderation 0003
  5. Finally, remove the settings for South:

        # 'moderation': 'moderation.migrations-pre17',